Sunday, July 24, 2011

Happy 24th!

Here is something that drives me crazy about living in the mormon bubble...

They have a state holiday "The 24th of July" a.k.a. Pioneer Day!
now the holiday happens to fall on a Sunday this year,
and being the "good" little mormon they are here in Utah they wont even celebrate it on the actual day because of course its a stinkin sunday....

Here is my theory....

1. Its Pioneer Day what could be more spiritual than celebrating the pioneers....
the 25th aint Pioneer day, so now by moving it to the 25th your taking away from the pioneer day and making it into an average day in which you can shoot fireworks and eat food...

2. the good lord wouldnt have it fall on a sunday if he wanted us not to celebrate on that particular day.

3. what could be a better sunday evening than spending time with your family and having a good relaxing day together...?!

Some people to relax and realize that its not the end of the world to celebrate Pioneer day on the 24th of July even if it falls on a Sunday....

Than again this is just my opinion, your all entitled as well...

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